Demonstrating a Successful Approach to Nafion™ Membrane Recycling

With the aim of reducing reliance on virgin materials and developing a circular economy, the Chemours Technology Team undertook a feasibility study to determine whether it was possible to isolate, recover, purify, and recycle Nafion™ polymers from used chlor-alkali (CA) membranes.

The goal of the experiment was to extract impurities from the used membranes and reprocess the membrane to obtain a recycled film, and we are thrilled to report this test produced some outstanding results.

After undergoing Chemours’ new multi-step process, the identified contaminants in the resulting lab-scale recycled Nafion™ dispersion were measured at less than 1 ppm. Additionally, there was no appreciable difference in acid capacity between films made from virgin polymer and films made from reclaimed CA polymer.

By prioritizing circularity, Chemours is working towards a more sustainable future in which resources are managed efficiently, waste is minimized, and environmental impacts are reduced.

Impurity levels in recycling process

Download the full case study to learn more about this newly tested Nafion™ membrane recycling process and its potential impact on the decarbonization of the energy industry.